Location: Edinburgh

Description: Two storey and single storey extensions to provide new kitchen to Ground Floor with ensuite bedroom above and additional sun lounge to the rear.

Floor Area: 63 square metres

Budget: £90,000


Located in a popular suburb to the south of Edinburgh this project was a joy to be a part of from start to finish.

We were tasked with replacing a tired conservatory to the rear with a modern sun lounge but also retaining an existing single storey extension to the side and building upwards. Immediately recognising that the foundations for the existing extension were not sufficient to cater for an additional storey of masonry, we began to seek more light weight methods and brought forward a cement rendered cladding panel that would maintain the loads already present.

The cement render panel was set to match the existing facades and is further complimented by the introduction of timber clad elements thereby offering a more contemporary aesthetic and palette of materials.

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